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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dust properties

Dust has the nature of the "inert" is a direct effect but can accumulate in the lung tissue when continuously for long periods can occur with lung disorders called pneumoconiosis, but the nature of the dust has various properties, among others, are settled. Dust tends to always settle for gravitational influence of the earth. However, because the small size of this dust is sometimes relative is in the air. The nature of the surface is wet, wet dust will likely always be covered by a very thin layer of water. Clumping is, surface dust that is always wet facilitate clotting, tarbulensi air will increase the formation of clots. Static electricity is the dust has electrical properties that can attract other particles in the opposite. Is optical, dust or wet or moist particles can emit visible light in a dark room.

hospital waste

Health services at the Hospital is one type of health care services industry is the nature of its activities operate in 24 hours. In the process of exploiting the great potential of resources. The tendency of the use of medical equipment consumables (disposable plastic) along with the development of industrial technology medical equipment, which can be infectious waste needs to receive attention in its management. Problems or things in hospitals that are often observed, among others, is the problem of waste (both solid waste and liquid waste), linen problems, nutritional problems and the problem of hospital space.
If further scrutiny every service process that uses materials / supporting materials will be produced at the end of the process waste. One of the services that generate such waste is derived from the laundry service.
The existence of the elements of chemistry, physics and microbes terkandunng by hospital waste originating from the laundry would be a potential negative impact on the environment, among others, internal and extern to the environment.
1. Internal environmental impact include:
a. As a source of pollutants on Nosocomial Infections.
b. Cause odor and aesthetic problems of the community hospital.
c. As media proliferation of insect vectors of disease.
d. Can injure the (injury) and infected hospital staff.
2. Extern impact on the environment include:
a. Cause odor and aesthetic disturbance to the surrounding community hospitals.
b. Disturb or kill aquatic life water bodies of water.
c. Autrofikasi trigger water bodies of water.
d. Contaminate groundwater and surface water.
e. Infects people (water borne disease), especially against people who use water as the water bodies receiving wastewater effluent.

What is stress of work and from which arise?

With simple language, job stress can be understood as a situation where a person faces the task or job that may or may not yet be reached by his ability. If a new person's ability to number five, but the ability to face a demanding job with the number nine, then it is very likely that person will be exposed to work stress.
By definition as above, means that causes a person exposed to work stress that there are two.
First, because the management, organization, supervisor, or head that delivers real tasks beyond the capabilities of the employee-owned. This we might call the factual reasons. In fact, people actually get a job or a job that can not be reached by his ability.
Second, because the employees themselves. If he was lazy-masalan, used to think negatively, or not willing to learn, want delicious, yes usually given the task alone was grumbling a bit more, it can not talk, can not afford, and so on. This we might call mental causes. Mentally it employees like that needs to be fixed.
In other words, work stress can arise due to conditions of work (the work condition) and the quality of the worker (the personal quality). If an organization does not have a standard set of traffic management work, this work may be stressful for some people. Management standards that are not obviously work will create conditions in which there are certain people who flooded the job but there is also a crisis task. Management standards that are not obviously work will create conditions in which there are certain people who were given responsibility beyond its capacity. This is related to work conditions.
As related to the personal quality, for example, employees who have the motivation to work good, has a longer career goals, have a stronger need for achievement, and rivals, will be easier to infer the target or task as a challenge (challenge), rather than as pressure (stressful). Work stress experienced was a motivator, driving and trigger performance in the future.
This is different to the employees who have low motivation, have a short career goal (just as long as you receive a salary or origin is not idle), or have a less strong need for achievement. Employees of this second type would be easy to conclude that the task or the target given to him as a stressor. Employees of this type easily dizzy, easily confused, it's easy to feel depressed.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 with the chemical formula was invented by Louis Jacques Thenard in 1818 ( This compound is an inorganic chemical that has strong oxidizing properties. Raw material for making hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2). Technology is widely used in the auto industry is the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of anthraquinone.

H2O2 is colorless, odorless typical slightly acidic, and dissolves well in water. Under normal conditions (ambient conditions), hydrogen peroxide is very stable with a decomposition rate of roughly less than 1% per year.

The majority of the use of hydrogen peroxide is to utilize and manipulate the decomposition reaction, which in essence produces oxygen. At this stage of the production of hydrogen peroxide, chemical stabilizer material is usually added in order to inhibit the rate of decomposition. Including the decomposition that occurs during the hydrogen peroxide product in storage. In addition to generating oxygen, hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction also produces water (H2O) and heat. Exothermic decomposition reaction that occurs is as follows:

H2O2 -> H2O + 23: 45 + 1/2O2 kcal / mol

Factors affecting hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction is:

1. Certain organic materials, such as alcohol and gasoline
2. Catalysts, such as Pd, Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Mn
3. Temperature, the reaction rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide increased by 2. 2 x every increase of 10 ° C (in the temperature range 20-100oC)
4. Uneven surface of the container (active surface)
5. Suspended solids, such as dust particles or other impurities
6. The higher the pH (more alkaline) the higher the rate of decomposition
7. Radiation, particularly radiation of light with short wavelengths

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleach or bleaching agents agent in the pulp, paper and textiles. These compounds are also commonly used in wastewater treatment processes, chemical industry, the manufacture of detergents, food and beverage, medical, and industrial electronics (PCB manufacture).

One of the benefits of hydrogen peroxide compared with other oxidizing agents is its environmentally friendly because it leaves no harmful residue. Oksidatornya strength can also be set according to need. For example in the pulp and paper industry, the use of hydrogen peroxide is usually combined with NaOH or caustic soda. The more alkaline, then the hydrogen peroxide decomposition rates even higher. Hydrogen peroxide needs of the industry will continue to increase from year to year.

lighting in the workspace

lighting gives a positive impact as the maximum production, availability of goods and services, expansion of the work environment. So indirectly help reduce the availability of accident and cause harmful side effects. Lighting factors have had two kinds, among others:
1. Good lighting is lighting which allows us to see objects clearly done, quickly and without unnecessary effort, following the things that determine good lighting, among others:
a. Luminensi division in the field of vision
b. prevention of glare
c. Lighting heat to the environment
d. beam direction
e. color
2. Poor lighting is lighting which we are less able to see objects that do are not clear and allow assisted by visual aids. Influence the result of poor lighting, among others:
a. eyestrain
b. mental fatigue
c. Damage to the visual apparatus
d. Complaints of fatigue around the eyes
e. The increase in accidents
Glare is unwanted light (Unwanted light) that can cause discomfort, disturbance (annouyance), eye fatigue or visual disturbances.
Reflected glare Glare is caused by all the light reflecting surfaces that are in the field of vision. Example, glass, walls, ceilings, floors, counter machines, and others.

mechanical vibration

The intensity of the mechanical vibration is a form of mechanical energy generated by a machine or mechanical device driven by a motor. Vibration by equipment or machinery being operated.
Equipment or machinery during operation will cause a vibration, in addition to the onset of noise. Vibration is not only caused by equipment or machinery that does not move like in an industry, but occurs also in the equipment or machinery that moves, such as vehicles or heavy equipment, tractors, forklifts, and so on.
As a result of the mechanical vibrations are as follows:
1. Mechanical effects on the network
2. Stimulation of nerve receptors in the network
In effect this mechanical tissue cells may be damaged or disturbed metabolism. On receptor stimulation, interference may occur through the central nervous system or directly to the autonomic. Both of these mechanisms occur simultaneously. For practical purposes, distinguished three levels of mechanical vibration effects, are sa follows:
a. Pleasure in this disorder is limited to vibrations favors disruption of work.
b. Disruption of tasks that occur together with the rapid exhaustion.
c. Danger to health.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Why look for the "root cause"?

An investigator who believes that accidents are caused by unsafe conditions will likely try to uncover conditions as causes. On the other hand, one who believes they are caused by unsafe acts will attempt to find the human errors that are causes. Therefore, it is necessary to examine some underlying factors in a chain of events that ends in an accident.
The important point is that even in the most seemingly straightforward accidents, seldom, if ever, is there only a single cause. For example, an "investigation" which concludes that an accident was due to worker carelessness, and goes no further, fails to seek answers to several important questions such as:
  • Was the worker distracted? If yes, why was the worker distracted?
  • Was a safe work procedure being followed? If not, why not?
  • Were safety devices in order? If not, why not?
  • Was the worker trained? If not, why not?
An inquiry that answers these and related questions will probably reveal conditions that are more open to correction than attempts to prevent "carelessness".

How do I "identify potential hazards"?

Once the basic steps have been recorded, potential hazards must be identified at each step. Based on observations of the job, knowledge of accident and injury causes, and personal experience, list the things that could go wrong at each step.
A second observation of the job being performed may be needed. Since the basic steps have already been recorded, more attention can now be focused on each potential hazards. At this stage, no attempt is made to solve any problems which may have been detected.
To help identify potential hazards, the job analyst may use questions such as these ( this is not a complete list):
  • Can any body part get caught in or between objects?
  • Do tools, machines, or equipment present any hazards?
  • Can the worker make harmful contact with moving objects?
  • Can the worker slip, trip, or fall?
  • Can the worker suffer strain from lifting, pushing, or pulling?
  • Is the worker exposed to extreme heat or cold?
  • Is excessive noise or vibration a problem?
  • Is there a danger from falling objects?
  • Is lighting a problem?
  • Can weather conditions affect safety?
  • Is harmful radiation a possibility?
  • Can contact be made with hot, toxic, or caustic substances?
  • Are there dusts, fumes, mists, or vapours in the air?
Potential hazards are listed in the middle column of the worksheet, numbered to match the corresponding job step. For example:
Sequence of Events
Potential Accidents or Hazards
Preventive Measures
Park vehicle
a) Vehicle too close to passing traffic
b) Vehicle on uneven, soft ground
c) Vehicle may roll.

Remove spare and tool kit
a) Strain from lifting spare.

Pry off hub cap and loosen lug bolts (nuts).
a) Hub cap may pop off and hit you
b) Lug wrench may slip

And so on.....
a) ...

Again, all participants should jointly review this part of the analysis.

What are the elements of an effective housekeeping program? "Dust and Dirt Removal"

In some jobs, enclosures and exhaust ventilation systems may fail to collect dust, dirt and chips adequately. Vacuum cleaners are suitable for removing light dust and dirt. Industrial models have special fittings for cleaning walls, ceilings, ledges, machinery, and other hard-to-reach places where dust and dirt may accumulate.
Special-purpose vacuums are useful for removing hazardous substances. For example, vacuum cleaners fitted with HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters may be used to capture fine particles of asbestos or fibreglass.
Dampening (wetting) floors or using sweeping compounds before sweeping reduces the amount of airborne dust. The dust and grime that collect in places like shelves, piping, conduits, light fixtures, reflectors, windows, cupboards and lockers may require manual cleaning.
Compressed air should not be used for removing dust, dirt or chips from equipment or work surfaces.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Of the various cases of work accidents have been reported, safety experts then conduct further investigation and concluded that a fatal accident that usually occurs not just suddenly come up with. Apparently accident cases has the form like a pyramid. An event of fatal accidents, usually preceded by the presence of 10 times a minor accident. And 10 minor accidents and even then before also preceded by the presence of 30 accidents resulting in damage to equipment (equipment damage). While of the 30 accidents that resulted in damage to equipment comes after the incident andanya 600 near misses (near miss). This alone near misses occur because of the 10, 000 sources of hazards that exist in the vicinity of workers.

When we describe the accident pyramid as a building, the ground floor of the pyramid is 10, 000 sources of danger. Then the second floor is 600 incidents near misses, the third floor is 30 accidents resulting in damage to equipment, the fourth floor 10 minor accidents and the top floor is a fatal accident. Pattern comparison pyramid formula is 1: 10: 30: 600: 10, 000.

With the pyramid formula of these accidents, safety experts argue that the peak of the pyramid than it can be eliminated by reducing or eliminating some cases of accidents that occurred before or beneath it. In other words, if we remove all cases of near misses then the only form of pyramid building up on the fourth floor only. Or when we subtract the number of accidents resulting from equipment damage figure of 30 to 20, then a minor accident will not reach number 10. And a minor accident that does not reach the number 10 is then it will not make the emergence of a fatal accident.

Learning from accidents pyramid, then the government and also the heads of various companies to make a workplace safety rules to protect all its citizens or its employees to avoid a risk of something due to the activities or conditions that could pose a hazard. We also work around the site has now recorded a variety of sources of danger. But we need not worry, because we did a survey a source of danger or Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Workplaces that had previously shown a high risk rate has been controlled with the use of Personal Protective Equipment, procedures and other work.

The danger comes from the material

The danger of this material include various risks according to the nature of the material, among others;
• flammable
• is explosive
• cause allergies
• cause damage to the skin and tissue
• to cause cancer
• result in abnormalities in the fetus
• are toxic
• radioactive
In addition to material risks are also different intensity or different levels of danger as well. There is a very high level and some are low, for example in terms of toxic materials, there is a highly toxic which can lead to death in low levels and in a short time and some are less dangerous. Besides, there are immediate effects can be viewed or acute, but there is also a new effect we know after all these years can be called chronic. Therefore, every business leader should know the nature of the dangers that are used so they can take steps to prevent accidents and illness that can be very detrimental for the company.
Any hazardous chemicals must be equipped with chemical data sheet or MSDS. These chemical data sheets can be requested to suppliers by entering it in the contract or purchase of materials can also be accessed on the MSDS database as chamwatch.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Broadly speaking, noise is the sound that does not like the nature of the resonance is always changing and can interfere with a person. Noise is a subjective line is the sound of an unwelcome or unexpected. In the environment, closely related to engine noise, vibration noise that is caused by a device or machine that can interfere with our hearing. Noise induced hearing loss as a result of exposure to noise is quite loud in a long time and is the type most commonly deafness sensorinueral dijupai after presbycusis. Noise intensity of 85 decibels (dB) or more can cause damage to hearing receptors of Corti in the inner ear. The nature of deafness is the cochlear nerve deafness and usually occurs in both ears. Many things are easier for a person became deaf due to exposure to loud noise such as a higher intensity, high-frequency, longer exposure to noise, the sensitivity of the individual and other factors that can cause deafness. Industrial noise has long been a problem that until now have not been able to overcome the well so that it can be a serious threat to the hearing of workers, because it can cause permanent hearing loss. As for the industrial, noise can cause economic losses because of the indemnity. It is therefore necessary to prevent oversight and inspection of the factory workers regularly hearing.

waste gases

            Gas is a form of substance that has no shape but fill the room because it has mass. The development of an increasingly complex industry it is today where it has penetrated and proliferated so rapidly in various sectors of production with emphasis on the production process generated a more optimal. This course will take effect for the balance of the natural environment and also for the integrity of creation, namely health and safety of the employees themselves. In addition to generating a positive impact, the end result is the production process can also lead to negative impacts if the lack of processing and good management, as well as air pollution caused by the presence of various hazardous and toxic gases as a result of the final effluent from the production process. Industrial waste gases are very harmful to health, especially for the health of the respiratory organs, central nervous system and organs in the body with respect to the type and characteristics of the effluent gas. The content and effects of hazards on each of the gases of the production process is highly dependent on the material and type of their respective industries.
               Hazardous gases that exist around us there are huge numbers, but we never know and be aware of possible dangers will happen when we breathe it too much. For example Hydrocarbons, Sulfur, Ozone and Peroxide. Some examples of the gas above the levels have different and cause different diseases as well if we breathe too much.
             Hydrocarbons, Sulfur, Ozone and Peroxide has several types of compounds belonging to the above. These gases have a chemical formula different and have different problems also vary from each other.


         Spirometry is a tool used to determine lung capacity, to determine the difficulty level of the lung that may be experienced by the workforce, and therefore in a company that has high levels of air pollution must have this tool. With the existence of these tools in the enterprise and labor may find abnormalities that are not experiencing respiratory or breathing abnormalities of its workforce. Because today's industries are growing rapidly, with rapid industrial growth resulted in the increasing use of chemicals, machinery, both in the type and number. Thus the workforce is very easily affected by occupational diseases. One was a lung disease caused by work (pneumoconiosis).
          Pneumoconiosis is a disease caused by the accumulation of dust in the lungs. The disease is caused by chemical factors such as dust, gas, steam, and so on. Dust causing pneumoconiosis was 1-3 micron-sized dust and will be placed directly on the surface of the lung alveolis. Dust a larger size will persist in the upper respiratory tract, and the smaller will be expelled through the respiratory system. Symptoms of pneumoconiosis were cough, shortness of breath, general fatigue, weight loss, sputum danlain on. Besides, the disease can include inflammation, accumulation of dust, malignant tumors, and so on.
         Therefore in a company that has high levels of dust problems, very needy and require spirometry equipment, and so serves to lung health workforce in the firms.

Sources Accident That Emotion

We often talk about safety issues. In the execution of the work we are always reminded to always obey the rules and work rules to use work equipment properly in order to always avoid the accident.

Besides equipment and supplies good work we also should be able to control emotions, because emotions are not controlled can also cause accidents.

Examples of emotional attitudes that result in the emergence of occupational accidents among others:

1. Jest.
Examples joking with a friend (mock). Although it was just a joke, but the lack of a response in terms of responding to these conversations arise as a result of disputes and even resulted in clashes until the repairs.

2. Impingement.
This often happens because they do not control their emotions, while the target was not found at last by accident kesasaran vent those emotions nearest object.
Example: Punching or kicking the walls of the table and so consequently the hand or foot injuries.

3. different opinions
This is because between each other mutually defend each pendapanya or disparaging opinion of one another. This can lead to tensions that could eventually lead to a fight.

Of the things mentioned above can be taken a conclusion that emotions are one source of accidents.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pneumoconiosis DUE TO MINERAL DUST

Pneumoconiosis is a collection of diseases caused by accumulation of dust in the lung tissue
Usually in the form of mineral dust, depending on the type of mineral dust are stockpiled, penyakitnyapun names vary, depending on the degree and amount of dust in the lungs ditimbum

When breathing air containing dust into the lungs, not to hoard all the dust in the lung tissue, because it depends on the large size of the
Dust size 50-10 microns will be retained by the upper airway, while the size of 3-5 microns were arrested in the middle airway
The particles are sized 1-3 microns will be placed directly on the surface of the tissue in the lung

In general, the symptoms - symptoms include cough - dry cough as the breath, general fatigue, reduced weight and other
X-ray picture showed abnormalities in the lung - the lung, but workplace inspection should indicate the presence of dust are suspected as the cause pneumpcoinosis.

Disease Antrakosis

Antrakosis disease is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by coal dust. The disease is usually found in coal mine workers or the workers that many involve the use of coal, as coal pengumpa in iron furnaces, locomotives (stoker) and also on coal-powered ships, and workers in the central boiler-fired Steam Power of coal.
The incubation period of this disease between 2-4 years. As with any disease silicosis and other diseases pneumokonisosi, antrakosis disease is also characterized by a sense of shortness of breath. Because the coal dust is sometimes also contained the silicate dust antrakosis disease is also often accompanied by disease silicosis. When this happens the disease is called silikoantrakosis. Antrakosis disease there are three kinds, namely pure antrakosis disease, illness and disease silikoantraksosis tuberkolosilikoantrakosis.
Diseases caused antrakosis pure coal dust. This disease requires a long time to become severe, and relatively not so dangerous. Antrakosis disease becomes severe when accompanied by complications or emphysema which allows the occurrence of death. If it happens then antrakosis pure emphysema more severe than the relatively rare silikoantraksosis followed by emphysema. Actually, between pure and silikoantraksosi antrakosis difficult to distinguish, except from the source of the cause. While diseases tuberkolosilikoantrakosis more easily distinguished by the two other antrakosis disease. This difference is easily seen from fototorak which showed abnormalities in the lungs as a result of coal dust and silicate dust, as well as the bacillus of tuberculosis that attacks the lungs.

Lifting and transporting jobs

Lifting and transport activities in the environment there are many factories, ports and other sectors of economic activity. One important component of the work is the process of lift-haul, humans as a production factor demand or have a very important role for specific handlers. But often this kind of work on the note less the actual manual work like this is a very high risk of danger, if we do not teknikk and existing procedures will lead to accidents or occupational diseases. Lift-transport process is wrong, where one factor is too much load (over load) to be lifted and transported, and it will lead to disorder or damage to the spine (kifosa and lardosa). Diseases caused by over-load or overload in the lift-haul "over lifting and crraying Exertion" is damage to body tissue caused by excessive weight lifting. So the transfer of materials and goods, it must be done by viewing or use restrictions that have been determined between the limits are:  
1. Legal restrictions (legal limitaitions)  
2. Physiological Limits  
3. Limitation Biommekanika (biomechanical Limitaitions) 
 4. psycho-physical limitations As we wear and use, run restrictions in the process of lift-haul is then accidents will be minimized. Lifting and transporting jobs, work efficiency and the prevention of bone beakang received sufficient attention.

Ozone (O3)

Ozone (O3) is a component of fresh air that occurs naturally, as a result of reaction to ultraviolet rays from the sun with the top layer of the Earth's atmosphere, and form a protective layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone molecules contain three oxygen atoms, whereas molecular oxygen (O2) consists only of two atoms. Ozone for the treatment made by activating the quality standards of medical oxygen using electricity (appliance called 'Ozone Generator') to produce Ozone. Ozone is germisidal, bactericidal, and also fugsidal. Oxygen is also used to have these traits, but not as strong as Ozone.
1. Being able to oxidise, decompose and neutralize Carbon Monoxide, Ammonium Sulfate, Methane, methylene chloride and other harmful toxic elements that can eliminate odor, toxins and pesticides.
2. High oxidation power can break down toxic gas and kill germs so as to have air purification function. Ozone can kill germs Cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis and others.
1915, Dr. Abert Wolff in Germany began to use Ozone to handle a variety of skin diseases or wounds and infections due to anaerobic bacteria. In the 1950s, several German physicians began to use Ozone to deal with cancer, accompanying the usual manner of conventional therapies run. In 1990, an estimated 8000 physicians, Naturopathy, and expert Homeotapi in Germany use ozone in their practices. Since 1998, health care practitioners in 11 states in America (including New York and Washington) to follow in their footsteps in Europe in the use of Ozone for healing....