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Friday, January 6, 2012

Mechanical Vibration

The intensity of the mechanical vibration is a form of mechanical energy generated by a machine or mechanical device driven by a motor. Vibration by equipment or machinery being operated. Equipment or machinery during operation will cause a vibration, in addition to the onset of noise. Vibration is not only caused by equipment or machinery that does not move like in an industry, but occurs also in the equipment or machinery that moves, such as vehicles or heavy equipment, tractors, forklifts, and so on. As a result of the mechanical vibrations are as follows: 1. Mechanical effects on the network 2. Stimulation of nerve receptors in the network
In effect this mechanical tissue cells may be damaged or disturbed metabolism. On receptor stimulation, interference may occur through the central nervous system or directly to the autonomic. Both of these mechanisms occur simultaneously. For practical purposes, distinguished three levels of mechanical vibration effects, are sa follows: a. Pleasure in this disorder is limited to vibrations favors disruption of work. b. Disruption of tasks that occur together with the rapid exhaustion. c. Danger to health. Mechanical vibrations can be divided into two, namely: whole body vibration and vibration-arm tool. 1. Whole Body Vibration

Whole body vibration distributed throughout the body from the base of the machine or the machine that vibrates through the floor and then to the legs or buttocks. So that the exposed workers usually work in a position or attitude of standing or sitting. For example, operators of vehicles / heavy equipment, machine operators with a beachhead / operator sitting on a base or a piece of machinery that vibrates. 2. Tool-Arm Vibration
 The tools at the time it works vibrating and the vibrations cause there are many within the company. These vibrations throughout the body delivered locally through the hand and arm or by foot. But that is often found through the hands and arms, so-called hand arm vibration. Eg grinding machine operators, cutting machines, drilling machines, sanding machines, machine shaved, and so long as it works.

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