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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Disease Antrakosis

Antrakosis disease is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by coal dust. The disease is usually found in coal mine workers or the workers that many involve the use of coal, as coal pengumpa in iron furnaces, locomotives (stoker) and also on coal-powered ships, and workers in the central boiler-fired Steam Power of coal.
The incubation period of this disease between 2-4 years. As with any disease silicosis and other diseases pneumokonisosi, antrakosis disease is also characterized by a sense of shortness of breath. Because the coal dust is sometimes also contained the silicate dust antrakosis disease is also often accompanied by disease silicosis. When this happens the disease is called silikoantrakosis. Antrakosis disease there are three kinds, namely pure antrakosis disease, illness and disease silikoantraksosis tuberkolosilikoantrakosis.
Diseases caused antrakosis pure coal dust. This disease requires a long time to become severe, and relatively not so dangerous. Antrakosis disease becomes severe when accompanied by complications or emphysema which allows the occurrence of death. If it happens then antrakosis pure emphysema more severe than the relatively rare silikoantraksosis followed by emphysema. Actually, between pure and silikoantraksosi antrakosis difficult to distinguish, except from the source of the cause. While diseases tuberkolosilikoantrakosis more easily distinguished by the two other antrakosis disease. This difference is easily seen from fototorak which showed abnormalities in the lungs as a result of coal dust and silicate dust, as well as the bacillus of tuberculosis that attacks the lungs.

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