Health services at the Hospital is one type of health care services industry is the nature of its activities operate in 24 hours. In the process of exploiting the great potential of resources. The tendency of the use of medical equipment consumables (disposable plastic) along with the development of industrial technology medical equipment, which can be infectious waste needs to receive attention in its management. Problems or things in hospitals that are often observed, among others, is the problem of waste (both solid waste and liquid waste), linen problems, nutritional problems and the problem of hospital space.
If further scrutiny every service process that uses materials / supporting materials will be produced at the end of the process waste. One of the services that generate such waste is derived from the laundry service.
The existence of the elements of chemistry, physics and microbes terkandunng by hospital waste originating from the laundry would be a potential negative impact on the environment, among others, internal and extern to the environment.
1. Internal environmental impact include:
a. As a source of pollutants on Nosocomial Infections.
b. Cause odor and aesthetic problems of the community hospital.
c. As media proliferation of insect vectors of disease.
d. Can injure the (injury) and infected hospital staff.
2. Extern impact on the environment include:
a. Cause odor and aesthetic disturbance to the surrounding community hospitals.
b. Disturb or kill aquatic life water bodies of water.
c. Autrofikasi trigger water bodies of water.
d. Contaminate groundwater and surface water.
e. Infects people (water borne disease), especially against people who use water as the water bodies receiving wastewater effluent.
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