Standard methodologies diagnosis of occupational disease or any interference occupational health include the following:
1. History about the history of the disease and work history meant to know the possibility of one of the factors at work, at work and or work environment cause of occupational diseases. History diseases include, among others, the beginnings symptoms or signs of illness, symptom or signs of illness at an early stage of disease, disease progression, and particularly important relationship between the symptoms and signs of illness with work and or the environment of work.
Employment history should be asked of a patient with a thorough rigorous from the very beginning until the last time worked. Never only devote attention to the work being done now, but must be collected information about previous work, since they always possible that occupational diseases suffered by this time the cause is work or the working environment of earlier work. This is even more important if labor like moving from one job to another job. Make a table chronologically which contains the time, company work, job type, work activities, a factor in work or work environment that may cause occupational diseases. The planned use of questionnaire exactly very helpful.
Attention is also given to the relationship between working and not working with symptoms and signs of disease. In general, symptoms and signs of illness due to employment is reduced, sometimes even disappear altogether, if the patient does not go to work; symptoms and signs arise again or become more severe, if workers back to work. Fenomin like that very clear example in dermatosis of occupational disease or the disease or asthma bronkhiale bissinosis occupational or other.
Information and data results of a medical examination before work, examination health prior to job placement, periodic health examinations and examiner Saan specialized health is very important for diagnosis purposes occupational diseases. It will be easier again establish the diagnosis of diseases caused work, if available qualitative and quantitative data factors in work and work environment that can cause health problems and diseases of work. Data on the identification, measurement, evaluation and control measures on factors that may affect the health workforce is very beneficial.
2. Clinical examination is intended to discover the symptoms and signs according to a syndrome, which is often typical for a disease caused by of work. For example, the chronic toxicity of lead (Pb: lead) there is a symptom and signs of disease such as lead line on gums, anemia, intestinal colic, wrist drop (Paralysis of the ulnar nerve and arm nerve or radial nerve), dllnya. Or symptoms and signs of disturbed emotions quickly, hypersalivation and tremors in the poisoning by mercury (mercury or Hg). Or methanol poisoning which causes blindness in addition to general symptoms of poisoning caused by organic compounds group.
3. Laboratory examination is intended to match the right not causes of occupational diseases in question or of the product mertabolisme her body is in labor with the disease. For diagnosis of occupational diseases, is usually not enough to simply pembuk- tainty about the existence of qualitatively the factors that cause disease, but have shown evidence too much or quantitatively.
As an illustration, the presence of lead in blood is not enough manpower shows the corresponding lead poisoning; but levels of lead High blood eg above 0.8 mg per 100 cc of a complete blood very strong indication that the workforce is suffering from lead poisoning. In addition to levels in the blood, levels of chemical factors in the urine or other materials can assist in the effort to establish a diagnosis of occupational diseases.
4. X-ray examination (light translucent) is often very helpful in straightening- his diagnosis of occupational diseases, especially for diseases caused penim- plantation of dust in the lungs and lung tissue reaction to it is known with the name pnemokoniosis. Test results there is a new translucent light meaning if judged by the history of the disease and the work and the results of other examinations data and work environment. Other investigations in accordance with the maturity juan-engineering medical technology / other health care can be very useful for the effort diagnosis of occupational diseases in accordance with the needs and self- interests.
5. Examination of the place and workspace is intended to ensure the existence and measure the levels of disease-causing factors in place or work space. The results of quantitative measurements on site or workspace is necessary to perform assessments and conclusions, whether the levels of substances as a cause of disease due to work or not enough dose to cause illness. For example, the air content of 0.05 mg of lead per cubic meter of workroom air is not Pb poisoning, except if there is absorption of lead from sources another or hours of work per day and week so far exceeds the time limit 8 (Eight) hours a day and 40 hours a week.
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